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NEW All Star Adult Baseball League

Mar 5, 2022

Exciting news! With the support of Green Bay Community Church, this summer will be the first season for a noncompetitive, fully accessible baseball league for adults. The league will be named NEW All-Star League. We are excited for our adults with special needs to have a chance to play ball in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. Games will be played on Mondays with 2-3 games (depending on number of teams) at 4:00, 5:30 and 7:00. All games will be played at Resch Miracle League field at 1681 Libal Street in Allouez. Each team will play ten games between June 6 and August 15 with a break for the 4th of July. The fees for the season are $45. All registration and fee payment will be online.

The link to player registration is:

If you or someone you know will be the partner (aka buddy) for the player, the link to the volunteer registration is:

There will be a limit to the number of players due to having time for only six teams to play.

Any questions, please email

A noncompetitive, fully accessible baseball league for adults

© 2021 Школа Сибл Хопп

Школа Syble Hopp находится в ведении Совета по образованию детей с ограниченными возможностями в Браун-Кантри.

Совет является агентством округа Браун, поэтому пожертвования, сделанные округу Браун, подпадают под действие Раздела 170 Налогового кодекса США и являются благотворительными пожертвованиями.


Федеральный налоговый идентификационный номер: 39-6005671.

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